MMX boost controllers are the new premium option when it comes to deleting your HEMI supercharger’s old school vacuum actuator that controls the bypass valve. This eliminates surging, hesitations, and other possible problems that come along with that dated technology. There is a reason that Dodge designed the Hellcat supercharger to use an electronically controlled bypass valve instead of the vacuum actuator.
Now your supercharger’s forced induction can be precisely controlled with our in-house designed and programmed electronic boost controller coupled with our direct drive bypass valve servo. We give you the ability to control how aggressive your boost comes on based on your gas pedal position. You can even select to have your HEMI hot rod stay completely out of boost all together. This is perfect if you are getting your ride valet parked, letting an inexperienced driver get behind the wheel, dealing with bad weather conditions, etc.
We currently have controllers for the Hellcat Supercharger, Procharger HEMI kit, the Magnuson HEMI 2650 kit, and the Whipple 3.0L HEMI kit. We are also developing applications for more of the Magnuson and Whipple products as well. Check back often and reach out to us with requests for applications for the smaller or older Magnuson, Procharger or Whipple superchargers and we will get them in the que for development!